Thursday, 20 September 2012

word problem solver free

 In the previous post we have discussed about Free Math Help and In today's session we are going to discuss about word problem solver free.

Solving a word problem is itself an art. For this we need to learn the tips and tricks so that the concept is cleared before we proceed to solve the given problem. Problem solving is not at all possible until the  child completely understands the problem. We are going to discuss here the different types of the key words which usually appear in the word problems and then the methods used to solve the  problems and followed. Here we will discuss some of them:
1.       If in the problem we come across the words like  Add, Join, Join together, Combine, Bring together,  Sum, Added to , In All etc, then we observe that the figures given in the word problem are to be added to get the result.
2.       If we find the words like reduced, Subtracted, decreased,  less etc, then we say that the  result can be attained by  finding the  difference between the two figures.
3.        Repeated addition means subtraction, so when we  come across the problems, where we have to  proceed for finding the value which is based on repeated addition, then we will multiply the given terms.
4.        On the other hand we say that the division means the repeated subtraction, so when we have the problems such that the  value for more terms are given and the unit value is to be calculated, then we say we need to perform the operation of division in the given problem.
We have word problem solver free, which is available online , it supports the learners to understand the methods of solving the given problems and to get the solution. We can take the help of online tutors to know about Lewis Base. Also iit jee syllabus is available online to understand more about the contents to be prepared for the upcoming exam. 

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