Saturday 9 June 2012

How to use Dividing Fractions Calculator

Fractions are written in the form of a / b, where a and b are   whole numbers and b <> 0.  We can work on dividing fractions calculator by simply learning the rules of division of the fraction numbers. We need to know how to perform the multiplication of two fraction numbers before working on the division of fraction numbers. Let us look at the following problem :
Multiply 12 / 9 and 3/ 24
It can be written as: ( 12 / 9 ) * ( 3 / 24 )
Here we will multiply the numerator with the numerator and the denominator with the denominator and thus we get:
=  ( 12 * 3 ) / ( 9 * 24 )
  on cancelling we get:
1 / ( 3 * 2 )  = 1 / 6 Ans
Now we will look at how to perform the division of fractions.
For this we will convert the divisor to its reciprocal and the operation of division changes into the operation of multiplication. Now the problem changes into the simple problem of multiplication and thus it is solved. Now let us see at how to write the reciprocal of the divisor. If we have a fraction a / b, then its reciprocal will be b / a.  Let us take the problem as follows
 Divide 24 / 15 by  12 / 3
 So it can be written as   ( 24 / 15 ) ÷  ( 12 / 3)
Now we take the reciprocal of 12 / 3, which is  3 / 12. So we can write the above problem as :
  (24/15) * ( 3/12)   = 2 /5 ans.

 We can take online guidance of the mathematics tutor to learn How to Find the Area of a Triangle. The syllabus of central board of secondary education class x and class xii can be taken from the website and In the next session we will discuss about Fraction to Percent Calculator.

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